Sunday, January 23, 2005


Describing youself directly is probably the worst way someone can get to know you. I prefer indirect methods that are not quite as polluted by narcissism and self-deprecation. To that end, I have spent hours taking those time-wasting internet personality tests, especially ones of the form "what X are you?". So, here are the results:

Which operating system am I? Windows 95.
Which country am I? Switzerland.
Which high school stereotype am I? The outsider.
What is my Shakespearian tragic flaw? Suspicion, like Othello.
Which Big Lebowski character am I? The Dude.
Which classic am I? The Iliad.
Which (classical) element am I? Earth.
Which Family Guy charater am I? Brian.
Which famous homosexual am I? Eleanor Roosevelt.
If I were a horible affliction, I would be: the bubonic plague.
Which care bear am I? Bedtime bear.
...and so on

For those people that don't know me, this is much more illuminating than any other descriptor of personality I can muster.

Consider: "syncopation is to be preferred to predictable beats. Mad pounding is to be preferred to tear-jerking chord progressions. Growls trump melody. Personal anguish gives way to any attempt to communicate."


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