Thursday, November 11, 2004


This library is probably not the best place from which to write an entry, but I must try, as it keeps me sane to some degree (I'm sure some will disagree, but that is their opinion to hold and mine to reject). The activity in here reminds me of a squirrelly kind of bustle; people sit here rooting through pages and stacks and tons, binders and briefcases for something. In a less enlightened age, they would have burrowed little holes in their ground and would have stuck their nervous heads in, always on the lookout for the wolves around the corner, behind the tree. And, most of the time finding nothing, they would continue to a new hole.

Do wolves eat squirrels? If yes, Ok. If no, would they under exceptional circumstances?

This is us, jumping from branch to branch, book to book in search of what in the end boils down to survival. Mental survival, spiritual survival, physical survival: it makes no difference in the end. Here I go oversimplifying everything again.

Consider: "the mandala. Oddly enough, it undergirds my world-view. It amazes me how something so complex-seeming is really the product of simply derived strokes or lines or colours based on other strokes or lines or colours, all going back to that source, the very center, the dot which is not really a dot, which really represents the thought "I'm going to make a mandala". Humbling. Take a look at an example here."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have heard of wolves eating squirrels, though certainly a nice big rabbit would be their first choice.

I too hate buzzwords "blog", "blogosphere" and the like. They seem totally esoteric and a bit , dare I say, cliquey? Do cliques even form on the internet? And speaking of which, why do I have to become a MEMBER of blogger just to have my goddamn NAME show up on a comment? Since I consider the internet to be a kind of watered-down version of socializing, maybe I don't have the savvy to try and comment on it.

12:44 PM  
Blogger A. D. said...

Good to know, anonymous. I figure you can just put in your name at the end of your message. Don't be confined by "their" boundaries (such as: name goes in THIS box).

Cliques blow. They hurt me, when they whisper in each other's ears (or use their in-jokes). I propose more random socializing. I think weblogs have that power, at least hypothetically.

6:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you!
[url=]My homepage[/url] | [url=]Cool site[/url]

7:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done! |

7:42 PM  

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