Monday, April 24, 2006


I'm sorry. Long absences tend to send me spiralling down into a hardened walnut-shaped pit in my stomach. Long road trips--circuits of the east Coast--leave me exhilarated, filed up with new ideas for a brief few wonderful seconds, then I realize it's way too late and I haven't slept (not to mention my under-consumption of iron and subsequent flirting with anemia) and I will never be able to write it all down. But there are always glimpses into what I meant to say: a few words about an imagined libertine style, a new synthesis of how I imagine my experiences of steampunk will go, rainy nights waking up in Babylong with horrible helicopter blades cutting the air outside the filing cabinet apartment building, philosophical and philological assays into the hot cailing for hours where nothing was solved but my thoughts cohered for as long as was necessary. A propos the libertine lifestyle: thanks to te Marquis de Sade, though I'd much prefer the cat-o-nine-tails whips to be brandished in conditions of eqality and only imagined oppression; I've been thinking of taking up writing cheap erotica, much like Jimbo, figuring there might be money in that. Also saw it on TV, but after the fact. A propos steampunk: I've always had a hard-on for alternate histories. Think about it: consciousness transformation with the first industrial revolution combined with some long-distance telecommunications. No wonder the moderin mind is profoundly immature: we reinvent it every hundred years. Nowadays we do it every ten years. Remember pre-internet days? The cues that anchor my memory now are different than what used to be relevant. It is the vast sense of empty childhood amnesia that I fight to varying degrees of success.

How's that for impenetrability?

But enough of that. It's pretty obvious there's not much of a theme to expand on today. But I felt obligated to post. This blog's the closest thing to a marriage I've had. A long, strange, hummingbird marriage. Sometimes rancorous. Sometimes rapturous. All of it uncoerced, and starting from the simplest premises. It has also introduced me to the finest words of hundreds of thinkers and the finest thoughts on the most relevant themes.

Consider: "As long as sex is dealt with in the current confusion of ignorance and sophistication, denial and indulgence, suppression and stimulation, punishment and exploitation, secrecy and display, it will be associated with a duplicity and indecency that lead neither to intellectual honesty nor human dignity."


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