Sunday, May 15, 2005


(For when complete sentences just won't do.)

Saw Napoleon Dynamite yesterday. In shower this morning performed close reading of ending scene with tetherball & two kids. Tetherball being thrown around tracing mad arabesques in the sky, whizzing thru air & rocking by proxy endless porch-chairs of the grandfathers of Idaho. Wide arcs, crazy parabolas, improbable speed compounded with kicking, slapping, touching, caressing. All soiled humanity gathered there for the feast of the cherubim; mad angels holding beer bottles. (Ginsberg, 1967, park in San Francisco, holy orgasmic OM for a long drawn-out moment. Hope of all meat mankind embodied in colour & dreams & mad ramblings. Bums become seraphim.) All viewers of film fell down in surprise at the ending high-five: fell off the couches & writhed on the floor in supernatural ecstasy as the light came in thru the living-room windowsills. Stepped out for a dissociative fugue in the rain.

Consider: "Bandar kya jaane adrak ka swaad? (What does a monkey know of the taste of ginger?)"


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