Friday, November 26, 2004

The birdsongs of spring

Soon we shall collectively creoss the boundary between "Ooh! Look at all the wonderful white fluffy snow!" and "This brown-gray shit loks laike a pig-fetus brain that's been scooped and mixed with intestines!". I fear that moment, because everyone will then become like me after ten goddamn hours in front of a computer: unresponsive, jelly-like, shivering out sleep-crud from all their clothes. Where will all the wonderful random eavesdroppable conversation go?

On the upside, I suggest we find meeting places where we can huddle, share encouragement and body heat to help us deal with a) the collossal towering blasts of cold air working their ways across the boreal forests to end up in those crevasses in our clothes, eventually right next to our skins and b) the brown slush which somehow lays bare how filthy bustling city life is. My humble suggestion is street meat stands, or soup trucks. Everyone could use some hot soup, and who would deny company and conversation whiule they freeze and eat? The people of this city; they never cease to amaze me, both positively and negatively.

Consider: "god. God? I have no need of that hypothesis. But I do need soup, the kind with the little circular noodles that feels like oatmeal."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey.. just the other day i was thinking that it was odd that they don't sell cups of miso soup at coffee shops... maybe someone should drive a tanker truck full of hot soup around the city and give everyone soup... it would be the misomobile or something.


7:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hehe, I have no need for the "God?" hypothesis either.

10:58 PM  
Blogger A. D. said...

I could use some soup.

5:58 PM  

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